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TBLT (Task-based Language Teaching)


(2023). Task‐Based Pragmatics Teaching. In C. A. Chapelle, N. Taguchi, & D. Kadar (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, second edition: Pragmatics (pp. 1–6). Wiley-Blackwell.


(2022) The present and future of Functional Adequacy. In I. Vedder & F. Kuiken (Eds.) The assessment of functional adequacy in language performance. Perspectives and challenges for research and practice. Special Issue TASK Journal 2(1), 146-158.  John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/task.21008.gon

(2022). Tareas digitales en el aula de ELE. In N. Sans & F. Herrera (Eds.), Innovación y creatividad en el aula de español. Nuevas formas de entender la enseñanza de una lengua. (pp. 24–33). Difusión

(2021) Technology-mediated TBLT. In M. Ahmadian & M. Long (Eds.) The Cambridge handbook of task-based language teaching (pp. 326-345). Cambridge University Press. (With N. Ziegler)


(2021). Online collaboration through tasks for L2 pragmatic development. In P.G. Mayo (Ed.) In Working collaboratively in second/foreign language learning. (pp. 199-225). Trends in Applied Linguistics series. Berlin. Mouton de Gruyter.


(2020) Using technology-mediated tasks in second language instruction to connect. In R. Oliver & C. Lambert. Using tasks in diverse contexts (pp. 65-81). Multilingual Matters.


(2019) TBLT and L2 Pragmatics. In N. Taguchi (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of SLA and Pragmatics. New York, NY: Routledge.


(2018) Technology for task-based language teaching. In C. Chapelle & S. Sauro (Eds.) The Handbook of Technology in Second Language Teaching and Learning. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

(2018) Pragmatics, tasks, and technology: A synergy. In N. Taguchi & Y. Kim (Eds.), Task-Based approaches to teaching and assessing pragmatics. John Benjamins Pub. Company. [co-authored with L. Ortega]

(2017) Technology for task-based language teaching. In C. Chapelle & S. Sauro (Eds.) The Handbook of Technology in Second Language Teaching and Learning (pp 234-247). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.


(2017) Technology and task-based language teaching. In May, S (General Ed.), In S. Thorne & S. May (Eds.), Language and Technology (pp. 1–13). Cham: Springer International Publishing.


(2016)  A Practical Guide to Integrating Technology into Task-based Language Teaching. Washington D.C. Georgetown University Press.


(2016) Staking out the territory of technology-mediated TBLT. In M. Bygate (Ed.). Domains and Directions in the Development of TBLT (pp. 59–86). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins (with L. Ortega as 1st author)


(2015) Evaluating TBLT: The case of a task-based Spanish program. Language Teaching Research, 19(5), 525–549. doi: 10.1177/1362168814541745 (with Nielson, K. B.).


(2014) Technology-mediated TBLT: Researching Technology and Tasks (co-edited volume with L. Ortega). Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins. []


(2014) The need for needs analysis in technology-mediated TBLT. In M. Gonzalez-Lloret & L. Ortega (Eds.) Technology and tasks: Exploring technology-mediated TBLT (pp. 23-50). Amsterdam/Philadelphia:  John Benjamins.


(2014) Towards technology-mediated TBLT. An introduction. In M. Gonzalez-Lloret & L. Ortega (Eds.) Technology and tasks: Exploring technology-mediated TBLT (pp. 1-21). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (With L. Ortega)


(2008) Gonzalez-Lloret, M. & Nielson, K. U.S. Border Patrol Spanish Immersion Training Program. Performtech Inc. Alexandria, VA. [Textbook for the Task-based Spanish Program at the Border Patrol Academies in the U.S.]


(2008) Gonzalez-Lloret, M. & Nielson, K. Instructor Training for U.S. Border Patrol Spanish Immersion Training. Performtech Inc. Alexandria, VA. Training materials for an intensive course that all language instructors at the Border Patrol Academy need to complete.


(2007) Implementing tasks through technology. In K.Van den Branden, M. Verhelst and K. Van Gorp (Eds.) Tasks in action: Task-based language education froma classroom perspective. Cambridge Scholars Press. (pp. 265-284).


(2003) "Task-Based Language Materials: En Busca de Esmeraldas". Language Learning &Technology, 7,1 Available at:

2010 - present

2010 - present


(October, 2020). Invited Online Talk. TBLT at Issue: Online Discussions. Universidade Federal

de Santa Catarina. Watch the talk in the PPGI UFSC YouTube channel.

(July 2020). Invited Online Talk. July 2020. Online task-based teaching: from needs analysis to learner assessment.

Trinity Language Council. Duke University, US.

(November 2019) Plenary: La adquisición de la lengua extranjera y la tecnología. LangTIC Conference.

Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia.


(October 2019) Plenary: Technology-mediated tasks for the development of L2 pragmatics. AZCALL 2019. Arizona State University.

(August 2019) Invited Colloquium organizer: Technology-mediated tasks: Development, implementation, and assessment. 2019 International Conference on Task-based Language Teaching. Ottawa, CA.

(July 2019) Invited Guest Speaker. Technology-mediated Task-Based Language Teaching. School of Language Studies. US Department of State Foreign Service Institute. Washington D.C. You can watch this presentation in the FSI YouTube channel.

(July 2018) Plenary: Technology-mediated task-based Language Learning: A Window into Other Worlds. New Zealand Association of Language Teachers (NZALT) Annual Conference. Auckland. New Zealand.

(September 2017) Plenary: Technology-mediated Task-based Language Teaching: Principles and
Applications. GloCALL Conference. Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam.


(April 2017) Tasks in technology-mediated contexts. Plenary. 7th International Conference of
Task-based Language Teaching. Barcelona Spain.

(August 2016) Innovación tecnológica y nuevas metodologías para la enseñanza de lenguas

extranjeras. 17 Encuentro nacional de Profesores de Lenguas Extranjeras. Closing Plenary.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


(May 2016) A Needs Analysis of Technology-mediated Language Education. CALICO Conference.

Michigan State University. East-Lansing, MI.


(September 2015)  Feedback, corrections and repairs in real-world computer-mediated tasks.

6th International Conference on Task-based Language Teaching. Leuven, Belgium.

(August 2014) Task-based Language Teaching and Technology. Guest speaker. Univeristy of

Otaru. Shapporo. Japan.


(October 2013) Technology-mediated TBLT: Challenges and Opportunities. Technology-mediated TBLT Colloquium. International TBLT Conference. University of Alberta. Banff, Canada [Colloquium organizer]


(November 2011) TBLT for Heritage Learners. 4th Biennial International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching. University of Auckland, NZ. [With S. Bhatawadekar & L. Aranda]


(February 2010) Distance learning and tasks. Presentation for the Applied Linguistics and Language Acquisition in Multilingual Contexts Masters Program. University of Barcelona, Spain.


(September 2009) Evaluating a TBLT Spanish immersion program. Paper presented at the 3rd Biennial Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching. Lancaster, UK. (with Burwell G. & Nielson, K.).


(September 2007) TBLT in professional law enforcement. 2nd International Conference of Task-Based Language Teaching. Honolulu. Hawai'i. (Co-presented with Burwell, Rodriguez & Wickham).


(February 2006) Task-Based Language Teaching: Options and Opportunities. Department of SLS Brownbag. Presenters: Craig Chaudron, Marta González-Lloret, John Norris, & Lourdes Ortega. UHM.


(September 2005) Implementing tasks through technology. Presentation at the 1st International Conference of TBLT (Task-based Language Teaching). Leuven, Belgium.


(April 2004) Task-based language teaching and CALL: Critica poética for language learners. Presentation at XXII International AESLA Conference. Valencia, Spain.


(March 2001) Task-based CALL. Presentation at Hawaiian Association of Language Teachers(HALT) Annual Conference.


Plenary talk at TBLT 2017 in the Uni. of Barcelona beautiful Aula Magna

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